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Howard Center Union Endorses Emma Mulvaney-Stanak for Burlington Mayor’s Race

Media Coverage

AFSCME Local 1674 Votes Unanimously for Progressive Candidate

Burlington — Citing the candidate’s long history of supporting the labor movement and data-informed solutions for addressing community mental health, substance abuse, and developmental services supports, the Howard Center Workers of AFSCME 1674 unanimously voted to endorse Emma Mulvaney-Stanak at Wednesday’s all-member

union meeting.

“After having the opportunity to discuss a range of issues with Representative Mulvaney-Stanak, it became clear to myself and the members of AFSCME 1674, that she is the the only mayoral option for the city of Burlington,” said AFSCME Local 1674 Union President, and full-time supported-employment worker in developmental services, Andy Blanchet. “Her track record and experience of supporting the labor movement through the legislature — along with actively supporting rank-and-file union workers over the years — demonstrates her ability to listen and make clear-headed decisions based on the data emerging from our community. “Howard Center workers know this is the only approach that will improve the lives of our clients, our fellow

workers, and our community at large — and that is why we proudly endorse Emma Mulvaney-Stanak for Mayor of Burlington.”

AFSCME Local 1674 workers have stated publicly for many years that the root causes of the issues that they see playing out in this city have been due to a chronic lack of public housing, insufficient protections for workers, the de-prioritization of social services by reactionary politicians, and the stigmatizing rhetoric aimed at those in our community who need support with mental health and substance abuse diagnoses. After decades of chronic under-funding at the state and federal level, as well as a strenuous relationship with Howard Center leadership, Howard Center workers understand that they deserve proper compensation and working conditions in order to provide the services that this community critically needs.


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